
Strategic Plan

In February of 2022, the Board of Directors adopted the Sewerage and Water Board Strategic Plan for 2022-2027. The purpose of this plan is to align the staff, leadership, the Board of Directors, community stakeholders, and our customers around shared goals and tactics to improve the way we do business and ultimately achieve our Mission, Vision, and Core Values.

Sewerage and Water Board 2022-2027 Strategic Plan.

To be a model utility that earns and holds the trust and confidence of our customers, community, and partners through reliable and sustainable water services.

Our team of experts serves the people of New Orleans and improves their quality of life by reliably and affordably providing safe drinking water; removing wastewater for safe return to the environment; and draining stormwater to protect our community.

Values: Customer Focused, Safety Minded, Accountable, Transparent & Honest

Focus Areas:

Financial Stability 
Practice strong fiscal stewardship and ensure timely revenue recovery while balancing affordability with investments necessary to deliver critical services.

Technology Modernization 
Modernize technology and system integration to improve reliability and efficiency of operations and enhance customer service

Workforce Development and Enrichment 
Support and develop a high-performing team that is skilled, committed, inspired, rewarded, engaged, and accountable

Customer Service Excellence and Stakeholder Engagement 
Continuously meet and exceed the service needs of our customers and proactively communicate and engage stakeholders

Infrastructure Resiliency and Reliability 
Improve efficiency and resiliency of current and future infrastructure by leveraging partnerships and innovative approaches to funding and sustainable design

Organizational and Operational Improvement 
Optimize organizational structure, alignment, and capacity to ensure safe operations and efficient service delivery

While the utility has not had a strategic plan prior to this effort, significant activities have been underway across the organization to improve operations, resiliency, and customer satisfaction.

Internal implementation working groups are already meeting to develop detailed implementation plans. To support transparency, progress reports and metrics will be reported on this website regularly as implementation takes place.

2022-2027 Strategic Plan Document

Additional Strategic Plan Documents

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