The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans announces a Declared Vacancy, effective Wednesday, March 27, 2024, of one (1) existing seat on its Board of Directors, for Council District A.
Pursuant to La. R. S. 33:4071, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans hereby gives notice that it is accepting applications from persons from Council District A, interested in serving on the Board of Directors.
The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans is comprised of eleven members, seven of which are citizens appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council from a list of nominees submitted by the Sewerage and Water Board Selection Committee.
The Sewerage and Water Board Selection Committee is comprised of representatives from the following organizations: Dillard University, Loyola University, Tulane University, Xavier University, Delgado Community College, Southern University at New Orleans, University of New Orleans, New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, New Orleans Regional Black Chamber of Commerce, and the Urban League of Greater New Orleans.
The term of office for members appointed to the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans is four years. Additionally, a member shall serve no more than two consecutive terms of office.
Each nominee shall be a registered voter in Orleans Parish and shall have been a domiciliary of Orleans Parish for two years prior to his/her appointment. Please note that applicants for the Council District vacancies, the nominee must reside in the City Council District for which he or she applied. The Consumer Advocacy nominees may reside anywhere in Orleans Parish.
Each nominee shall have experience in architecture, environmental quality, finance, accounting, business administration, engineering, law, public health, urban planning, facilities management, public administration, science, construction, business management, community or consumer advocacy, or other pertinent disciplines.
All members of the board of directors of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, must comply with all ethical requirements of Louisiana law, including but not limited to the filing of financial statements pursuant to La. R.S. 42, et. seq.
Responses should include a detailed resume or curriculum vitae for the prospective board member. Application responses shall also contain an affidavit of the applicant verifying that he/she possesses the eligibility requirements, professional qualifications, and experience as outlined above to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans from Council District A.
Interested parties may apply by email to If applicants have any questions or concerns, please contact the Board Relations office at tel: 504-585-2376 or by email to The deadline for receiving applications is the close of business on Tuesday, April 29, 2024, which is approximately 30 days after the Declaration of Vacancy.