Press Releases

RELEASE: The S&WB Prepares to Reinstitute Normal Revenue Collections

For Immediate Release: Monday, July 30, 2018 2:27 PM


The S&WB Prepares to Reinstitute Normal Revenue Collections

To protect the health and safety of New Orleans and continue to improve its operations, the Sewerage & Water Board will be returning to its normal collections procedure on Wednesday, Aug. 1.

This effort will bolster the agency’s much-needed revenue stream, but it may involve shutting off water service to customers who have not paid their balances and have not disputed their bills.

The first step of the process will target about 17,000 delinquent accounts that are not in dispute and have owed more than $50 for over 60 days – only about 12 percent of total customers – with the goal of recouping more than $21.8 million in lost revenue. The S&WB is also addressing the roughly 9,000 customers who haven’t received a bill since opening new accounts. The agency will instate a plan next month to resolve that issue.

To delay the reinstitution of collections any longer would put this agency at great financial risk, jeopardizing its mission to drain storm water, treat and remove wastewater and provide safe drinking water for the City. The S&WB has invested $82 million in emergency repairs to its drainage system since the flood last year, which has strained the budget. In order for the agency to stay in good standing with our bond covenants, it must replenish those depleted funds.

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